Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Time Management

What is this?  A blog post?  You don't say...

Well I do say.  And I say it has been awhile since I sat down and wrote in my blog.  So I decided tonight seemed like a good night to do so.  Where have I been you might ask?  Well I have been working second shift since this past August when I switched jobs and ultimately employers as well.  Second shift of course leaves me feeling like my days and nights are sometimes mixed up.  Having me stay up until the we hours of the morning and falling asleep just as the sun shows its brilliant face.  Which leaves me with the question of time management.  There is so much I want to do.  I'm trying to read The Hobbit.  I want to work on my MG God Gundam model.  I'm trying to play Assassins Creed III.  I'm going to the gym.  I have doctor's appointments.  I have to work.  I need time with my Wife.  I want to start work on my novels.  Baseball season is starting which means I'm going to be umpiring here shortly.  Yikes!  Along with all this my job requires me to be flexible about when I work.  I have a lot going on.

What is the answer?

Well honestly I am not sure, but I can tell you what has been working to a certain degree and that would be the fact I put myself on a schedule.  I devote a certain amount of time each day to what I want to accomplish or what needs to be done.  Chores, work outs, appointments, etc.  This coupled with a sort of "Do It Now" attitude I've been finding there is more time in the day then one might think or feel for that matter. Still there are times when I feel myself getting bogged down.  Tonight is such an example.  I worked a 12 hour shift yesterday and 8 hours today and I find myself out of steam and taking tonight to just relax.  Which I think is acceptable.  Relaxation I think is key to any healthy life style.  Whatever form it may take, its important to relax.  Overall I have to say I am feeling both accomplished and relaxed on this schedule.  A bit of order to my chaotic life.

What else has been going on?

Well I did pick up a few new toys these past two months or so.  I got my hands on a Nintendo 3DS.  Which is really a nice handheld gaming device.  Although its Netflixs application could use some work.  And yes I did get the 3DS primarily because there is a new Castlevania game coming out for it.  One week from today in fact.  Although I was reading not to long ago that a HD port of this 3DS game might find its way onto PSN sometime in the future.  Which would be cool too.  I also got a new Cell phone.  The HTC Droid DNA.  By far and away the best cell phone I have owned.  I'm not sure calling it a phone is really accurate.  More like a small tablet that happens to make phone calls.  All this new technology rolling out really is incredible and a testament to human ingenuity   Although it is also scary.  My phone knows when I leave for work and automatically gives me directions and a traffic report.

Trust Me, I'm the Doctor.

A friend introduced me to the world of Doctor Who and I can say I'm a huge fan now and managed to watch all six season and all the 10th Doctor specials.  Amazing show.  Great writing.  A testament to the human imagination.

Until next time,